Friday, December 2, 2011

End of the Year Report (2011) Steven Kelso

Amazing… That’s the first word that comes to mind for 2011. I spent most of my energies on crafting my vision for the Windows of the Soul Chapel. Vision is the engine that accomplishes dreams. I believe with all my heart that if you believe in what you are doing and dream big and have goals then God will direct people into your life to help you.

While visiting the Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris in 1999, I had a vision to create a series of stained glass motif paintings entitled "Windows of the Soul" and that the series should be housed in a contemporary chapel and be made available to the public.

The Windows of the Soul Chapel has now found that permanent home and is in the process of
renovation. The installation of the artwork has begun and the chapel is open to the public
throughout the process so that it may connect with an ever-growing community of believers in
this sacred art series.

I want to thank Aaron Story for being a man of God and seeing the potential of the Windows of the Soul series. Aaron has been a great champion of my work along with the people of Indy Metro and they deserve a special mention in this end of the year report. Also, I would like to thank Wheeler Mission Ministries of Indianapolis for allowing me the privilege of installing the series and the project team captains Eric Gardner and Brian Crispin with their help along the way.

Work on the chapel will continue throughout 2012 and I look forward to working closely with the those mentioned individuals to accomplish a wonderful sanctuary for Wheeler Mission.

In other news I continued to work on other projects throughout 2011 both private residential and commercial in both the music and film industry.

I also would like to thank all of you for your support and encouragement. 2011 was the best sales year in studio history and without you and God I would not be able to do what I do. Thanks.

God Bless all of you for a beautiful 2012.



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